
So I'm "seeing" this guy from Slovakia.
We've been "seeing" each other for a couple weeks now.
Before we got together, we had a long talk about dating in the United States and in Europe. Apparently, people do not go on dates in Europe. They just "hang out". Also, everyone kisses everyone. I know they kiss each other on the cheek when greeting each other, but I didn't know romantic kissing was so casual across the pond...
Since we've been dating, he's taken me on multiple dates. I've had to train him. The first date was kind of hilarious. He wasn't sure how to dress, so I picked out his outfit for him. Then he wasn't sure what to do or where to go, so I decided what we did and where we ate. He was very good at opening my doors and being a gentlemen though. That's always a good sign.
Dating a European is quite the adventure. He has a thick accent, and confuses words and idioms a lot. We're working on the "ch" and "sh" sounds right now. They say accents are sexy... I think they're pretty funny.
I guess we'll see where this one goes in a couple weeks.. it should be interesting.

Lubim Ta.


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