Mating Game

The gym: a place for fitness and well-being. Not.
I don't get this place.
I try to go as often as possible. NOT to lift weights or scope the men.
To run, because I don't own a treadmill and I'm too out of shape/too much of a wuss to run outside. In fact, I went this morning to the local Gold's Gym. I scanned my card, got to my favorite treadmill, and started my workout. A mile in, and I was going strong. 1.5 miles, I was good. Then came 2 miles. I was feeling it, but I wasn't going to stop. A guy had been running next to me for at least five minutes. All of the sudden he starts talking to me. I do not talk while I run. I like to run because I like to clear my mind, not think about anything. He was big, muscular, kind of scary. Tan. Typical Gold's Gym buff. He asked where I went to school. I answered. I was trying to be nice. He asked what I was doing for the summer, I said work. Then he asked for my number. I pressed the "Stop" button and left. I don't like rejecting people, it's way easier to just walk away, right? Sure, I felt bad, but really? Picking up girls in a gym? That may work for some people, but not for me. I'm pretty sure this is my first story-post. Maybe I'll do this more often.


Funleavy said...

Maggie you're hard core! The mating game is a sweet story. I somewhat made a blog all I have is a name I'm funleavy I tryed looking for you I guess I haven't spent enough time on blogspot to know how to add friends or photos.

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